Shaving is such a pain. You have to do it pretty much every day in order to keep the hair away, and all that time and effort makes many people long for another option. Laser hair reduction is said other option. This method of hair removal promises to make it so you don’t have to go near a razor in order to have nice, smooth skin. Sounds like a dream, right? But just is laser hair reduction effective? Will you just need to shave again in a few weeks? Is it worth it to get laser hair reduction?
Here’s what you need to know about what makes laser hair reduction effective and how long it will last you.
How Laser Hair Reduction Works

Laser hair reduction works by heating your hair follicles in order to prevent new hair from growing. When you get a laser hair removal treatment, the areas you select will be treated with a concentrated beam of light that is then absorbed by the melanin in your hair. The heat of the light damages your hair follicles, which both prevents and discourages future hair growth.
Because laser hair reduction relies on the heat damaging only your hair follicles and not your skin, it works best when there’s contrast between your skin tone and your hair color, such as pale skin and dark hair. However, lasers have been and continue to be developed that are effective for those with darker skin tones and those with hair that don’t absorb light well, such as red and blonde.
The Benefits Of Laser Hair Reduction
Laser hair reduction targets your hair follicles, making it a more effective method of removing rather than shaving or tweezing or waxing. Other methods of hair removal will remove the hair, yes. However, since they don’t target your hair follicles, your hair is going to just keep growing.
If you have facial hair, you likely notice that you have stubble on your face at the end of the day, even if you shaved in the morning. If you shave your armpits, you probably see something similar. This is why you have to shave or tweeze or wax so frequently, because your hair just keeps growing and growing and growing.

What makes laser hair reduction effective for much longer periods of time is that it destroys your hair follicles, which temporarily disables your hair production. While you’ll never achieve 100% hair removal, laser hair reduction significantly reduces the amount of hair in the treated area.
Many patients find laser hair reduction effective not just for reducing how much hair they have in the target area, but also for improving their quality of life and making it so much easier. When you don’t have to worry about shaving as often, you’re free to wear that bikini without so much concern of whether or not your bikini line is smooth.
Is Laser Hair Reduction Permanent?
While laser hair reduction is effective, it’s not permanent. This is because your body will make new hair follicles, making it so that your hair will grow back again. Your body is constantly changing, after all. Have you ever heard that your body replaces almost all of your cells every 7 years? It’s no wonder, then, that your body would grow hair follicles and you’d need to keep getting hair reduction treatments in order for the effects to last.
How Long Does Laser Hair Reduction Last?

Just because it’s not permanent doesn’t delegitimize what makes laser hair reduction effective. It may not last you forever, but it’ll still reduce how much hair grows. You’ll need touch-ups in order to continue to enjoy the effects of laser hair reduction. In order to make laser hair reduction effective, you’ll usually need two to six treatments, although this can vary, based on the area that you have treated.
How long hair reduction lasts vary significantly based on the person and the treated area. The hair on your back, for example, grows much slower than hair on your armpits. Many people experience hair reduction that lasts for months to even years. However, since it’s medically impossible to completely remove all of your hair follicles, you’ll need to have maintenance treatments in order to continue to enjoy long-term hair reduction.
Do You Want To Get Laser Hair Reduction?
The Skin Institute offers laser hair reduction effective for many areas of your body. Our treatments are good for small areas, such as sideburns and jawlines, to medium areas, such as bikini lines, to large areas, such as your upper chest, and even extra large areas, like your entire legs. Contact us today to schedule your laser hair reduction appointment or to learn more about our classes!